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I'm Mackenzie (my friends call me Kenzie) and I help biscuit chupa chups candy candy canes bear claw.
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And just like that, it’s two-thousand nineteen. They say that the older you get, the faster time flies…which really freaks me out, because I don’t think I can handle it going by any quicker. As always, a new year brings about a new opportunity to evaluate our old habits, behaviors, and mentalities. I’ve written posts about my New Year’s Resolutions (read the one from 2018 here) but this time around, I’ve decided to theme my year around one single word.
Whatever your process is, whether it be identifying resolutions, selecting a word of the year, or nothing at all, I hope that you do use this time to pause and reflect. It’s not like there is literal magic that happens when a new year rolls around, but there is a magical feeling that stirs in the spirit with the thought of a clean slate and 365 days to make changes you’ve long considered.
After praying about it, I’ve decided that my word for 2019 is consistency. On its own, the word seems pretty boring actually. ‘Consistency’ isn’t fancy, it’s not remarkable, it’s not glamorous. But, for me, it’s the one thing that separates the dreamers from the achievers. It is in those seemingly ‘boring’ daily actions of being consistent where success is born. As a young business owner, I aspire to be passionate about what I’m creating. As a wife, my goal is to give 110% to my marriage. In my walk with God, I aim to be the best possible version of myself. But what happens when you don’t feel like doing any of the above? When passion simply isn’t enough- when you’re unmotivated- when you slip up? That, my friends… is where consistency kicks in. That commitment you make to yourself to do what needs to be done despite how you feel.
My problem has never been starting something. I always have new ideas, creative thoughts, and goals I want to achieve. But what I do struggle with, is the follow through- especially when things aren’t going my way. I’ve realized that while it’s exciting to start something new, nourishing those ‘somethings’ is equally as important- especially in the moments when you don’t feel like it. I think of a farmer. A seed is planted, which is the first step but the work doesn’t stop there. It is what happens in the waiting that determines the harvest. The mundane tasks and disciplined habits are what contribute to the success of what is planted. Consistency is an intentional choice, and so is giving up and neglecting your seeds.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes about consistency that I’ll be referencing throughout the year, and hopefully you find them helpful too! (You can pin these to your ‘quotes’ board on Pinterest for later)
Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year! Please feel free to share your resolutions or words for this year!
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @mataleiataua
Carrot cake I love pie marzipan wafer icing halvah. Danish cupcake shortbread muffin... Read my full story
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